PT. Cahaya Kharisma Plasindo is a plastic bag factory headquartered at Jl. Ronggolawe No.99 Telukan, Grogol, Sukoharjo, Solo.Our plastic bag factory produces various types of plastic bags, one of which we will discuss this time HD PINGUIN …
Plastic is a material that we often encounter in everyday life. Plastics have been widely used to make products or goods that are useful for human life. Since the 20th century, the use of plastic has grown tremendously.
And the plastic factory has spread widely in the Indonesian region … and one of our factories is PT. Cahaya Kharisma Plasindo with so many plastic factory competitors in Indonesia we do not want the same as other factories, we PT. Cahaya Kharisma Plasindo wants to be different from other factories, for example one of our products is HD PINGUIN ….
We will discuss what? How come ideas can appear with penguin animals ..
Listen carefully
With the cooperation of the staff and leaders led by BP. Chandra Setiwan and the next generation of family, HD PINGUIN ..
From the start of our product HD THANK YOU that uses hello kity and cows as the source and various other HD (plastic bag) products.
Now we staff and leaders want to develop more HD products (plastic crackers) so that the PT. Cahaya Kharisma Plasindo Increasingly developing not only in Indonesia.